Whole School Curriculum Overview
Our Curriculum
At Scientia Academy we use Cornerstones Curriculum Maestro to provide a bespoke curriculum which is tailored to the needs, strengths and interests of our pupils and our school community. We celebrate and reflect our diverse community through our curriculum design.
We have designed our curriculum with pupils' learning at the centre. We recognise that a curriculum has to be broad, balanced and offer pupils opportunities to grow as individuals as well as learners. Our curriculum gives pupils the opportunity to develop deep knowledge through a wide range of subjects, projects and learning experiences.
It is essential that children leave our school as equipped, confident learners who have developed their proficiency in reading, writing, and maths. Our curriculum projects enable pupils to make links in their knowledge and skills, therefore consolidating and deepening their understanding to ensure curriculum coherence.
We also intend to offer our pupils new and exciting experiences through extra-curricular activities that are designed to build resilience, confidence and self-esteem.
Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to:
-see clear links between different aspects of their learning
-understand the purpose and value of their learning and see its relevance to their past, present and future
-develop and demonstrate their creativity
-develop new skills through a variety of interesting contexts
-explore the breadth and depth of the national curriculum
Also, running throughout our curriculum are our core values of kindness, respect and responsibility, together with Fundamental British Values. Our curriculum allows children to explore different beliefs, experiences and faiths, enabling them to understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity. It also teaches them to recognise right and wrong and investigate moral and ethical issues. It is our hope that children enjoy learning about themselves, others and the surrounding world.
At Scientia Academy we follow the National Curriculum, which is covered in full through skill and knowledge rich projects. These projects cover a range of subjects including Science, History, Geography, Art and Design Technology. Some subjects (English, Maths, Music, Computing, French, PSHE, PE and RE) are taught outside of these projects but teachers make cross curricular links with these where possible. Class timetables are organised so that there is adequate time given to all curriculum subjects.
All projects are ignited with an 'engage day' experience where children are immersed in their new topic and can explore and reflect on questions that they will study over the half term.
Our teachers plan engaging learning opportunities to meet the needs of their class. There is a focus on developing deep subject knowledge and the application of knowledge and skills. We also have a clear focus on the teaching and acquisition of new vocabulary. Lessons are structured to meet the children’s needs and teachers consider their starting points, strengths and areas of difficulty at the planning and delivery stage of each lesson.
The curriculum is closely monitored by subject leaders to ensure full coverage of the national curriculum, that there is depth to children’s learning and to ensure that appropriate adaptions are made to suit the learning needs of our pupils.
At Scientia Academy, we are mindful of teacher workload and use supporting schemes of work for curriculum planning:
- Cornerstones Curriculum Maestro
- Charanga music
- PSHE Association
- Purple Mash Computing
- Talk for Writing
- Maths No Problem
- Read, Write Inc
Through our curriculum, all children will gain a secure knowledge in a range of subjects which they can use in their lives moving forward. They leave Scientia Academy as empowered individuals, keen to explore the next stage of life and learning. The majority of the children will be able to reach age related expectations and will be prepared for the children for the next stage of learning at all key stages.
The impact of our curriculum is measured by regular and ongoing monitoring in the following areas:
- Half termly attendance data (including school and trips and residentials).
- Termly attainment data.
- Annual Progress measures KS1 - KS2.
- Termly NTS standardised tests (Reading and Maths)
- Accelerated Reader.
- Benchmark reading assessment
- Progress and attainment outcomes for all pupil groups.
- Half termly foundation subject assessments.
- Engagement in enrichment activities.
- Lesson observations
- Book looks
- Displays
- Pupil Voice
- Behaviour analysis
- Parent feedback
- Staff feedback
Assessments are used to inform planning and next steps and identify areas of school improvement.
Whole School Curriculum Overview 2024-25
If you require any further information about any aspect of our curriculum, please contact the school office and we will put you in touch with the relevant member of staff.